Mustard Paste | Easy & Perfect Mustard Paste Recipe at Home | Shorshe Bata

Mustard paste or Shorshe
bata is a delicious recipe. Mustard paste is used in various veg or non-veg dishes.
Sorshe paste Bengali’s are used in fish curry, vegetable recipes etc.(like
shorshe ilish, fish paturi, chorchari). Add it in your veg non- veg recipes to
enhance the flavors. You can also use it as marinate for fish, chicken or lamb.
Do not use excess mustard paste or sarso or sarson paste in your recipe then
the dish will be better in taste.


- Black mustard seeds or
white mustard seeds (soaked)
- 4 to 5 green chillies
- Salt
- Turmeric powder very
- Water

Make a fine paste.
